News — RC hobby lipo
150 lbs. of LiPo batteries! New Stock is In!
Posted by Robert Zola at
Back in stock! 150 lbs. of Giant Power arrived in Friday. 400+ fresh new LiPos to power all your RC toys. We were sold of out of just about everything that flies a quad copter. Now we have a good supply of these hot items, What a pile of boxes to send to the recycler!
Giant Power Drone Battery Pack Re-Load January 10th
Posted by Robert Zola at
Dear customers, the Christmas rush cleaned us out of many popular battery packs for Quads or Drones. We have another fresh order of product in process. The batteries are scheduled to leave the factory on January 5th 2015. If you want you can back-order and we will ship as soon as the material arrives. Thanks and have a happy New Year!
Mojo Racing Giant Power LiPos New Web Store
Posted by Robert Zola at
Well it has been one year since Mojo Racing Products LLC has started selling Giant Power LiPo batteries on line. We have made the switch to a new web store hosting service called Shopify. This change will enhance Mojo Racing Products and Giant Power Lipo's appearance. We also have capacity to bring you our customer more content including products, details and photos. I thank all of our customers for making Giant Power their LiPo battery of choice. At Mojo Racing Products, we want to provide our customers with fast delivery and great service.